Saturday, December 12, 2009

Technology Action Plan

GOAL: To better use technology for instruction

GOAL: To better define and monitor technology expectations as set by TEKS and SBEC.

Based on teacher surveys, STaR charts, and district technology information, determine what technology teachers have available, what training teachers have already had, and what technology and training is still needed in order to reduce obstacles and move forward with technology integration. Analysis of the STaR chart, the teacher technology-use survey, interview with key leaders, and AEIS report shows that professional development, while available in our school and appropriate for learning technology, needs to be designed differently in order to be more effective. Activities to address campus goals are as follows:
  • Use the professional development model where initial training takes place, teachers return to their classrooms to implement, then have follow up PD meetings to assess progress and discuss implementation.
  • Trainers come to the campuses to support teachers as they implement technologies in their classroom
  • Professional development held in a teacher’s classroom using only the resources a typical campus teacher has on a regular basis
  • Professional development to familiarize teachers with the technology TEKS and how to address them in their classes.
  • Subscribe to for self-paced technology trainings and differentiated technology training plan
  • Develop a mentor system where less experienced but technology savvy teachers are paired with more experienced teachers who need support in technology. Both could benefit each other by collaborating on how to integrate technology into the curriculum and instruction.
  • In order to stay up-to-date on current instructional technologies, Campus Instructional Technologists will attend an annual instructional technology conference.
In order to measure progress, two processes will be implemented. Every nine weeks, teachers will complete a continuum-based progress monitor to report their progress in implementing instructional technology into their classroom curriculum. Campus Instructional technologists will perform regular walk-throughs to observe teacher progress in implementation.
End of the year evaluation by campus leaders will include a review of the teachers’ nine-week survey data, CIT observations report, and principal observations. Included with that will be an end-of-the-year survey of students and parents designed to assess student and parent perspective of technology use in schools. These measurement tools will allow leaders to evaluate trends and determine successful strategies toward meeting goals.


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