Friday, August 06, 2010

Action Plan - Revised

I've revised my action plan based on comments from cohorts. Any revisions are shown in blue.

Goal: To determine in what ways access to a literacy library can improve student literacy in the K-2 classroom.
Action Step(s)Person(s) ResponsibleTimeline: Start/EndNeeded ResourcesEvaluation
Research K-2 literacy best practices, focusing on small group reading and library use. L. CoulterAugust 2-13, 2010Internet
Lamar Library
None needed
Meet with literacy committee to brainstorm ways to incorporate use of best practices and the literacy library in the K-2 classrooms.L. Coulter
Literacy committee
August 18, 2010Classroom
Copier for research dissemination
Presentation station for presentation of research
Chart paper for writing group ideas
Review previous year's use of the literacy libraryL. CoulterAugust 20, 2010Literacy library checkout bookPrevious year's information collected for comparison analysis
Survey teachers to determine current strategies in use in the classroomL. Coulter
Literacy committee
1st week of schoolSurvey MonkeyPre-assessment information will be reviewed, analyzed, and charted.
Beginning-of-Year DRA K-2 teachers1st 2 weeks of schoolDRA testing materials
Survey K-2 students on perceptions of and comfort levels with reading and books. L.Coulter
K-2 teachers
2nd week of schoolSurveyCollected data for review and analysis
Develop and present PD to K-2 teachers on literacy best practices and how to implement them using the literacy library. Provide suggested activities for books in the literacy library.Members of literacy committee Instructional coach
Intervention teachers
During the first six weeks of school
After school sessions
Items will varyEvaluations at the end of each PD session provide participant feedback
Support K-2 teachers with ongoing feedback on best practice use and literacy library useMembers of literacy committeeAll yearItems will varyFeedback from teachers in short follow-up sessions
Collect observational data through classroom walkthroughsL. CoulterAll yearNotebookData collection for review
Mid-year DRAK-2 teachersJanuary 2011DRA testing materials Data collection for review
Mid-year collection of literacy library checkout activityL. Coulter
Literacy committee
January 2011Literacy library checkout bookData collection for review
End-of-year DRAK-2 teachersMay 2011DRA testing materials Data collection for review
Survey K-2 students on perceptions of and comfort levels with reading and books. Include section on feelings about literacy library books. L.Coulter
K-2 teachers
May 2011SurveyCollected data for review and analysis
End-of-year collection of literacy library checkout activityL. Coulter
Literacy committee
June 2011Literacy library checkout bookData collection for review
Survey teachers for perceptions of effectivenessL. Coulter
Literacy committee
May 2011Survey MonkeyData collection for review and analysis
Review, analyze, and chart dataL. Coulter
Literacy committee
June 2011All collected dataEvaluate effectiveness of increased use of literacy library paired with best practices.
Present results to staffL. Coulter
Literacy committee
June 2011Presentation stationPresent what is working and what still needs improvement